Please select your topic

Violations of criminal law →
Here you can report violations that are punishable by fine or imprisonment. Examples:
  • Bribery,
  • (subsidy) fraud,
  • embezzlement,
  • theft/misappropriation,
  • manipulation of business documents/financial statements ,
  • Sexual offenses (e.g. sexual harassment),
  • Environmental crimes or environmental damage (e.g., illegal waste disposal),
  • Tax evasion.
Violations of administrative offenses →
Here you can report violations punishable by fines that serve to protect life, limb or health or to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies. Examples:
  • Data privacy violations,
  • violations of regulations on road traffic safety (e.g., driving license, deadlines for inspections, technical inspections and emissions testing, cargo securing, driving and rest periods, dangerous goods, etc.),
  • violations of behavioral principles at the workplace and human rights (e.g., violations of working hours or minimum wage regulations),
  • violations of Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (e.g., the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Workplace Regulations, or the Industrial Safety Regulations).
Other violations according to § 2 HinSchG →
Here you have the opportunity to submit a report for violations of other legal regulations mentioned in § 2 of the Whistleblower Protection Act. Some of these regulations may already be covered by the first two categories. Reports may relate to areas such as :
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • environmental protection,
  • public health,
  • violations of competition and antitrust law.
Human rights or environmental risks/violations →
This refers to violations of the provisions of the LkSG, both in  Mosaik-Berlin gGmbH´s business area and in the supply chain.
Examples include:
  • Child labour,
  • slavery, slavery-like practices and forced labour,
  • Violations of labour protection standards and minimum wage requirements,
  • Violations of the prohibition on disregarding freedom of association, 
  • Violations of the prohibition of unequal treatment in employment, e.g. on the basis of national/ethnic origin, social origin, sexual orientation or religion,
  • Violations of the ban on unlawful eviction,
  • Violations of the ban on the use of mercury in manufacturing processes, 
  • Violations of the ban on the export of hazardous waste. 
Violations of the AGG →
AGG violations refer to violations of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) in Germany. The AGG is a law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of characteristics such as gender, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity. AGG violations can take various forms, including
  • Direct discrimination: a person or group is discriminated against on the basis of one of the protected characteristics.
  • Indirect discrimination: A seemingly neutral rule or practice has a detrimental effect on individuals with a protected characteristic.
  • Harassment: Unwanted conduct that has the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity and creating an environment of intimidation, hostility, humiliation, degradation, or offense.
  • Instruction to discriminate: A person is requested to carry out a discriminatory act against another person.
  • Retaliation: Action taken against a person who opposes discrimination or assists in the enforcement of their rights under the AGG.